SECH’s management of the container terminal at Calata Sanità under the aegis of GIP (Gruppo Investimenti Portuali) began in 1993, following the privatisation of the public company that at the time managed various areas within the Port of Genoa (Consorzio Autonomo del Porto, today the Port System Authority). Since then, the company has successfully fought to consolidate its position within a very competitive market such as that of the Upper Tyrrhenian Sea.

Between 2010 and 2015, major structural work was carried out on the quay cranes, enabling the terminal to operate vessels with a capacity of up to 14,000 TEU.
The investments were particularly appreciated by the market, which contributed to a growth in traffic volumes until the record result of 447,345 TEU was achieved in 2014.
In February 2017, Infracapital and Infravia, specialist infrastructure funds, acquired 95% of GIP from the previous owners, aiming to further develop the business through an ambitious expansion programme.
During these years, among other numerous projects, the revamping of RMG cranes was completed in order to increase storage capacity and the construction of a new BIP (Border Inspection Point) for veterinary inspections.

Since August 2020, following the merger with PSA Genova Prà, the terminal has been controlled by PSA International, based in Singapore, consisting of more than 60 container terminals in 26 countries worldwide and in continuous expansion.
PSA SECH is part of the Europe, Mediterranean and the Americas Region - EM&A Region - whose flagship office is PSA Antwerp.
The PSA International Group is also present in 13 inland rail terminals in China and Canada.